God’s Light comes in the Night

When the SON rises... (Wallpaper)

When the SON rises… (Wallpaper)

The presence of God was a big surprise
For man who was used to blood sacrifice
As God left the place where He dwelt before
And commanded that blood was put at the door

That was a new sign and a gift for us to explore
When He sacrificed His Son who was pierced to the core
To take away the sins of this fallen world
When He died and rose, His ascension unfurled

God’s fully unseen realm which has come to us
In Christ’s Spirit alone without a big fuss
Through the precious Holy Ghost on Pentecost
Who now helps us see that there’s nothing to boast

Since all that we are should now be found in Him
Who causes our own light of self grow dim
In order that we walk through a night so grim
There you find fears and pain, it’s filled to the brim

With horrors of the dark and you hardly see a spark
Of a life you knew before when you touched heaven’s shore
But one day there is an end to torment and to woe
Since once you share His light in the darkest night

Your fears just have all gone and everything is bright
Because you’re now in Him where there is only light
Your self has died completely with Jesus on the cross
And you are free to serve Him, you see it was no loss

To give up on your old life, on everything so dear
For you just entered His rest, His kingdom that is here
The door through which we enter is within you and me
There we find God’s dwelling place, His divine sanctuary

5 thoughts on “God’s Light comes in the Night

  1. Michael

    Dear Susanne, As I read down through the lines of your poem, I could see that it was a time line of your own life in many ways. As the Spirit of God brooded over the darkness in the beginning and finally said, “Let there be light,” I know that the day is coming when His light will shine forth from your dark night as well and all your fears will be a thing of the past. Yes, the Door into Father’s kingdom is within for Jesus said, “I am the door of the sheepfold” and He abides within our hearts. Thanks for sharing your poem, dear sister.

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    1. Susanne Schuberth (Germany) Post author

      You’re so welcome, dear Michael.

      Yes, for sure, the poem referred to my own life and experiences. I cannot write about theoretical stuff as you know; that would bore me to death … 😛

      Also, meanwhile I believe that the light will shine forth again. That is at least a step
      further for me as it was lately when I thought all good things were over “forever”.

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  2. Michael

    Yes, Susanne, I am so glad you have gone beyond that terrible stage of losing all hope that you would ever “dwell in the land of the living” (spiritual life) again. He will shine forth from you more and more until that Brighter Day. Of this I have no doubt! 🐻

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