The King’s Palace… or The River of No Return

Salmon River aka The River of no return (Photo by Michael Clark)

Salmon River aka The River of No Return – (Photo by Michael Clark)

Once upon a time there was a King who had a Son
And His beloved Son withal was His only one
They erst lived far away in a realm of only day

Where Light is, Love and everything
Of which no human could have dreamed
Delight and bliss, no dark shade there

But one day they said, “We will share
Our divine life with man on earth
Through incarnation and new birth.”

The Son then was born of the race
That is called man with human face
And had no privilege, though He’s God

Instead, He also bore the rod
With which all servants learn to bow
And submit always here and now

To God’s command, to pain and lack
Of cheer by men, instead attack
By Satan’s legions that pervade

The air around those in the shade
His Son alone now can bestow
The Light and Love, both in a row

On those who chose the light instead
Of filthy darkness and regret
For past events, deeds unforeseen

Which are exposed on divine screen
Where you can see no human can
Fulfill God’s plan unless The Man

Who bore all sin and perfectly
Obeyed God’s orders carefully
Indwells our inmost soul and heart

And makes a part of divine art
Out of our lives with Spirit’s aid
Until our eyes can see new fate

Come up from desert, drought and death
Through waters streaming and His breath
That makes us partake of the New

Creation which is Heaven’s dew
Constantly pouring from His throne’s
Pure crystal sea and river zones

Unto the living stones on earth
Who have become all His through birth
And entered realms, once far away

With their mere spirits on a day
As their old Adam/ Eve had died
And they became the Son’s pure Bride

Who loves the Son, the Christ, so much
That she forgets due to His touch
All ever she endured before

She left the river’s trusted shore
In order to jump in and swim
Without a safe place, light grown dim

In muddy waters without hope
All at the end of her own rope
She found the Light amidst the dark

First only dimly, like a spark
But more and more, the river glows
Refined from earthly things it flows

Back into these realms where we find
The One who’s good and heals the blind
So that they see they are His own

God’s very children, fully grown
Matured and childlike equally
They live with Him eternally

Forgotten is all that is past
When we are in Christ at long last
And share the life of God just yet

Where all around is silhouette
Of Him who all along was here
Hid in our hearts, To Him so dear

That our God and highest King
Gave His beloved Son a ring
To bring back His Bride to the place

Where in His palace she could face
The Bridegroom’s delight at the sight
Of her love for Him in the night

After the wedding for the bride…

11 thoughts on “The King’s Palace… or The River of No Return

  1. Michael

    I love your poem… it speaks so well of the intimacy that the Father and His Son long to have with us as the Bride of Christ. I am glad you were able to use my picture, too. It is good to see you being inspired once again to write. ⭐ 🐻 ⭐

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Susanne Schuberth (Germany) Post author

      Oh, thank you very much, Michael, that was a sweet comment by you. 🙂 Yes, your great picture was VERY helpful to animate the words, I believe. 🐱

      Indeed, inspiration is not so much my problem at the moment. Instead, I need to use my reason that I do not publish too much since there is also work “behind the scenes” that needs to be done as well. And the most important thing for me is to spend time with God. If I have little time to do so, you can forget my “inspiration”. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. newheavenonearth

        We share such a sweet secret, dear Sister! Yet it is no longer a hidden mystery as it was revealed by our Amazing Father in his Christ and finished revealing the mystery when the new covenant went into effect…we now move from glory to glory as there is less of us and more of God revealed in and through us, his Christ in us! O words never can adequately express what the innermost heart knows 🙂 Love and blessings, Yvonne

        Liked by 2 people

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