Peace that surpasses all understanding

Photo by Susanne Schuberth

Photo by Susanne Schuberth

Don’t let us be anxious

The Lord is at hand

He cares for the living

The dead and those banned

From taking a stand

Against Satan’s devices

Of tricky lie’s brand

Which, cut into slices


They could understand

And see they’re kept under

The devil’s control to fit

Into systems they should rather quit

God’s Peace is eternal

His arm reaches far

He knows our internal

Our heart’s deepest scar


He heals all these wounded

By life and by man

His Love lasts forever

We’re part of His plan

Don’t let us be troubled

Nor let us be afraid

God’s Peace can’t be bottled

When He’s our only aide

Photo by Susanne Schuberth

Photo by Susanne Schuberth


4 thoughts on “Peace that surpasses all understanding

  1. Michael

    Susanne, it is good to see that you were inspired to write another poem. It has been a long time. I am trying to figure out what the picture of the bank of the channel relates to your poem. I understand the beer bottle caps where people get drunk so they can have artificial peace in their souls for a moment. Like Jesus said,

    I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, ESV2011)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Susanne Schuberth (Germany) Post author

      Thank you so much for commenting and asking, Michael. 🙂

      Yes, in Him we will have also overcome the world. But oh, it takes a long time until we are fully conformed into His image and can stay IN CHrist continually!

      Indeed, it has been some time since we wrote our last poem in February 2016 together. I had a lot of problems with formatting this poem on here and no solution as yet. Whether these probs stem from WordPress, from my computer, from Windows 10, or from the theme I chose, I don’t know… 🙄

      As for your question how my pictures relate to my poem, well, the beer bottle caps from Munich should hint to the impossiblity to limit God’s overwhelming peace as I wrote in these last two verses,

      “God’s Peace can’t be bottled… When He’s our only aide.”

      The photo I lately took while walking up the ramp of the Europe Channel shows a clear blue sky (stands for the promise of clarity and light) and a seeming obstacle before something (the Channel) you cannot see as yet in this picture. If a child would see this picture for the first time, would it know that waters flow behind? Waters here represent the Holy Spirit’s flow. However, I also like your idea about a ‘beery’ artificial peace. Funny! 🙂

      I hope my explanation helps a bit, my dear brother.

      Liked by 1 person
