Like Little Children…

Crossing the Jordan... (Photo by Susanne Schuberth)

Crossing the Jordan… 😉
(Photo by Susanne Schuberth)

A child, so humble and so bold
To rise against unrighteous cold
Unkind and loveless heresy,
Is hard to find apparently

Instead you see them quarrelling
About what’s right or wrong, they cling
To doctrine, dogma ill-conceived
And leave their audience deeply grieved

Where is the one who gives his life
And does not stab them with a knife
If they doubt that they heard the truth
Out of these mouths who know no ruth

A child so humble and so bold
You’ll find it surely, lo, behold
As soon as they are born anew
After a death they went all through

In darkness, pain, and suffering
You might detect a precious thing
Although your wisdom, strength is gone
You now may but behold the Son

And will forget all that is past
Only eternal love will last
That gives you all you need in life
Behind is struggle, fight, and strife

A single eye was given you
To see the One who saw you through
In all your valleys, up and down
He carried you, He’d never frown

He led you to His promised land
Where all old things come to an end
Instead, you see it’s heaven-made
Your childlike faith that knows no shade

Like God you now live in the light
Where all is pure and all is bright
Delightful, blessed one, you will see
He gave this land to you and me

4 thoughts on “Like Little Children…

  1. Michael

    Susanne, this was one of your best poems so far! So full of hope and meaning for those of us who are passing through the dark night on our way from this world into His heavenly kingdom. Thank you so much, dear heart! ❤

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